Making You Look Good...

(217) 474-3971

ATD Marketing

Your Business Is Our Passion!

Printing for the Small Business
Marketing for the 21st Century

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Who is ATD Marketing and What Do We Do?

We Build Web Sites
desk top & mobile

We Are Your Source
For Ad Specialties
Ad Specialties


What is An Attention Keeper?

Can You Take Orders On line?

Click Here
For the Family Style Restuarant Demo

Click Here
For the Streaming Site Demo

Click Here
For the Luxury Restaurant Demo

Click Here
For the Retail Style Store Demo

Do You Want to Improve Your Business Skills?

Our Executive Series of 7 High Quality Trainings Can Help.

Need a Custom Video?

We can Make You One. This is a music video done for some friends for their new CD

Marketing Opportunities for
Local Businesses

marketing program targeted to local

Business Opportunities for You?

And Now... A Word From Our Sponsor


ATD Marketing

Do you have a radio commercial?
Get us the .mp3 audio and we'll
turn it into a video like the one below:

That is just one of our own radio commercials turned into a video. It says exactly the same thing as the radio commercial, but by adding images and turning it into a video it has more impact than just the audio alone.

ATD Marketing

would be happy to take one of your radio commercials and turn it into a video for you. And... is willing to create this video for FREE!

Yes, you read right! ATD Marketing will take one of your radio commercials and turn it into a video (up to 60 seconds in length) that you can use anyplace on the web and even for a TV commercial if you wish.

Why would we do this? Well, we hope you can appreciate this and see the value for both you and ATD Markeintg. I'll be blunt here. It is a Marketing Ploy.

We may NOT receive any money from you for doing this. But we will be putting our name and reputation in front of those who view your FREE video and maybe they will need a video and contact us, and when you see what we will do for you for nothing maybe you will require other videos, which we will charge you for. Fair enough?

Now, we aren't going to blatently paste our information all over your web site, facebook page or other marketing efforts. We will include in the video a very discreet tag that will carry our innfo and market us to those who view your video. See snippet video below to see what we are talking about...

That is just a sample, but the only thing tying the video to ATD Marketing is that small logo and Contact info comment at the bottom of the video; and if you ultimately end up paying us for a video there will be no reference to ATD Marketing on your view screen, just your stuff. And, if you like the Free video, but don't want the watermark, we'll make you a special deal to remove it. (Cheap)

In your FREE video, the same would appear and we would place an image of your choosing at the start (seen before clicking to play) like our logo at the beginning of almost all of the videos on this site).

Also, please note there is NO youtube stuff assoicated with this video. Who wants their visitor to watch a video and then be taken to a conglomerate site, like you tube, where other videos are promoted at the end that could draw an interested viewer away from your message!

Your video can be posted on youtube, but it does not have to be. If your link can be a url, even facebook won't show youtbe stuff when your video is selected and we'll show you how it is done, give you all the files and even create the link for you, if need be.

Interested? OK, Let's Get Started

First we need some information. All fields are required, except comments.
Name (Full):






Zip Code:

Phone: Please add + country code to your phone number
(ex. +12175555555)



We will contact you to get all the details worked out so we can create your video and begin the process. You can expect to hear from us within 48 hours.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you.

We Have Videos for over
40 business types
video gallery
Click Here to See

We Print Digitally
kyocera digital copier

And Offset too!

two color offsetpress

Visit our Print Shop

Whiteboard Videos Are Effective

Local Business Promotions

Do You Want to Your Onw Online Business?

Our Signature Series of 20+ High Quality Trainings Can Help.

Get One of My Books

Best Seller

Do You Need Leads?

We have customizable Lead
Generating Programs for 50
Business Models. Yours is
probably included.

This is the example of the video
on the sign up page for HVAC companies
We have one for your business type as well.
Click Here for more information.
Get Noticed on an "Attention Keeper"!
Attention Keeper lg
atd logo
Helping Small Businesses
Hit Their Target Market Utilizing
The Most Innovative,
Get Noticed on an "Attention Keeper"!Attention Keeper sm

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