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And Now... A Word From Our SponsorIf your business is located within a 25 mi. radius of Danville, IL this message is for you!
Ad SpecialtiesTried and True Marketing![]() Ad Specialties are probably one of the most used and also most under used items in a business's marketing arsenal. I'm willing to bet that if you look around the room you are currently in you will find at least one, if not, several ad specialties. Something your with your favorite team's logo, a mouse pad with a business imprint on it. You may even use them for your business We have literally thousands of Ad Specialties you can put your name on. Click Here to visit our Ad Specialties Dept. Our site is fully searchable and you can order directly from it if you wish. If you can't find it here give me a call and I'll do my best to find it for you. Why Choose Ad Specialites?Because, as a small business owner, you know you Have to Market your business. It is Your #1 duty as the owner and decison maker! This brings me to Business tip #1: No matter what the sign outside says that is NOT the business You are in" Yes, you may own a hardware store. But, your business, as the owner, is to market that business! OK! Let me explain...You are a special person. You either created a business out of thin air or purchased an existing one or grew into the family business. That sets you apart from many, if not most, people. You are the final answer when a question arisies. You have taken on a chore that many couldn't handle and many that have tried to have failed. You have put in the time and effort to get it up and growing and along the way you have added key people to handle certain aspects of the operation. You have trained and groomed them to be able to handle the day to day operation so that you have time to do what your real busines is... Time for Business Tip #2: To Acquire new clients, customers &/or patients while keeping your existing clients, customer and/or patients engaged and purchasing more of what you have to offer! In other words, Marketing the Business!Now, when marketing your business you DO have to be careful. While a necessary part of doing business, marketing can be expensive. But, done right marketing should NOT cost you a PENNY! As part of your marketing duties you have to determine three things. The...
of your Marketing plan. It helps if you aooly the Marketing Triangle... ![]() You can get our FREE report: "The Marketing Triangle and How It Helps" by Clicking Here. Meanwhile, You have to market your business and you have to make sure the money you spend marketing has a return of some sort (not always $ for$) for the money. Ad Specialties are a long accpeted manner of marketing that gets results and don't cost too much. I suugest you incorporate them into your marketing plan; and I hope you would consider allowing ATD Marketing to be your source for perinent, quality and most of all effective ad specialties for your business. Ad Specialites can be just one of the Media you use to get your what to your who's! Click Here to visit our Ad Specialties Dept. By the Way....Not only can Ad Specialties market your business, but they can also be a source of income. Think about it. You have probably purchased a hat, a T-shirt or other piece of clothing imprinted with a business or team logo. That is an Ad Specialty that not only provides a marketing message for the business but also pays for itself with a profit. So, if you can identify something your customers would buy from you with your name on it your marketing is paid for. Give me a call at 217-474-3971 or send me an e-mail and let's find that Ad Specialty that will keep your name in front of those who pay the bills. ![]() | We Have Videos for over 40 business types ![]() Click Here to See We Print Digitally Whiteboard Videos Are EffectiveLocal Business Promotions
Get One of My Books![]() Do You Need Leads?We have customizable LeadGenerating Programs for 50 Business Models. Yours is probably included. This is the example of the video on the sign up page for HVAC companies We have one for your business type as well. Click Here for more information. |
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