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![]() Well, It Doesn't Have To... The small, locally owned business is the backbone of our economy. We are one. We understand what you face and we want to help you overcome all the obstacles that stand in your way. One of those obstacles could be writing copy for your marketing programs. "Marketing, there you go again!" you might think to yourself. Remember, as the business owner it is your main responsibility to: ![]()
In order for you to accomplish this task you must have copy. Copy for your mailings, copy for your e-mails, copy for your web site, copy, copy, copy... ![]() We can't be experts in everything. This is where ATD Marketing might be able to help. We don't claim to be a Dan Kennedy, even though we try to follow his advice. And we aren't AWAI, even though we are dedicated to utilizing the training they offer to advance our skills. What we are, is a small business just like you. We have been involved in the printing and marketing business for over 30 years. We have seen much of what works and we have looked at it with the eyes of a small business with a small budget and we have realized just how frustrating it is to KNOW you should be marketing and feel at a loss as to how to write all that copy. ![]() As previously stated on this site, We are a bit Different. We do try to follow the lead of one of the best copywriters and marketers, Mr. Dan Kennedy. That means we tend to utilize Direct Response methods and that right there separates us from the herd. Many, if not most, businesses think that building their BRAND is the most important aspect of their marketing message. They couldn't be more wrong! Many a business has gone broke trying to build their brand and ignoring the one thing they need even more. SALES!!!!! We believe Dan Kennedy when he says that sales are what drives a business and if you succeed at that your brand will build itself. So at ATD Marketing we concentrate on writing copy that sells! We concentrate on copy that has a "Call To Action" because we know that you cannot create a customer/client or patient until they contact you. The entire focus of any marketing or advertising you do should be directed at getting it viewed and getting the viewer to contact you once they have viewed it. Once they contact you you have the opportunity to turn them from prospects into customers/clients or patients. But until they contact you there is no opportunity. ![]() ATD Marketing can help you out. We understand your need for Marketing and how copy fits into that part of your business. We can create e-mail campaigns, direct mail campaigns, web site copy, even radio commercials. We look at your needs through your eyes ![]() However, we may see things a bit differently than you. We don't think it is in your best interest to just copy what everybody else is doing. We want your copy to create the type of action you want so that those who are exposed to it will Do Something! Preferably contact you in some way. In America This brings us "Full Circle" back to your main dutiy to your business... If you can do that your business will succeed and all the hard work will be worth it. We try to employ Direct Response tactics whenever possible. Why? Because we want those reading your copy to respond to it, not just look at it! You have to DRIVE them to your offer more often than not. That is what good copy does, that is what good marketing does. It almost compells the viewer to do what is wanted and that makes the close so much easier. But what about "Branding" you may ask? Well, many good businesses have gone under because they spent their time and money on "Branding" and forgot to concentrate on making "Sales". A much smarter man than I once said:"If you concentrate on making money, your Brand will follow right along, but if you conentrate on making a brand you may never have any money!" If you need copywritting for your business all you have to do is e-mail me or Call Me at: (217) 474-3971 and let's talk. There is never a obligaton to buy anything. I am after an informed decision. If you contact me I'll know you have some interest. If after talking and answering your questions you feel that we are a good fit, then let's do some business, if you find we are not a good fit, we'll shake hands and I'll try to help you find some one who is. An informd no doesn't hurt nearly as bad as an uniformed one. | We Have Videos for over 40 business types ![]() Click Here to See We Print Digitally Whiteboard Videos Are EffectiveLocal Business Promotions
Get One of My Books![]() Do You Need Leads?We have customizable LeadGenerating Programs for 50 Business Models. Yours is probably included. This is the example of the video on the sign up page for HVAC companies We have one for your business type as well. Click Here for more information. |
Get Noticed on an "Attention Keeper"! ![]() | ![]() Helping Small Businesses ![]() Hit Their Target Market Utilizing The Most Innovative, Straightforward Methods Guaranteed! |
Get Noticed on an "Attention Keeper"! ![]() | |
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